Here are some FAQ’s that may help you decide
What do Masons Do?
Freemasons do the same things that everybody else do. We are fathers, grandfathers, single men, husbands, sons and Brothers. We work in law, medicine, education, technology, military, business, entertainment, construction, manufacturing, science and every other field. Freemasons have been United States Presidents and janitors and everything in between. We are men who are members of the world’s oldest fraternity which promotes equality, liberty and friendship. Masons engage in fraternity and charity around the world while continuing rituals that have existed for hundreds of years.
How do I become a Freemason?
Ask one. You may see this phrase 2B1 ASK1. It is a Masonic phrase. No Freemason should ever be invited to join. He should make the decision in his heart, and with his family to approach the fraternity and seek membership.
Can you name some famous Freemasons?
No. I can name A LOT of famous Freemaons. But none of them were famous for being Freemasons. They were famous because of what they did and when they did it. The teachings of the craft aren’t meant to create fame or fortune. They are meant to reinforce lessons of morality. It does no man any good to be famous if he follows a path of lies and deceit.
What is the Petition Process?
Every man who wishes to become a Mason must go through a similar process. The first step is that he finds a lodge where he would like to become a member. That will be his home lodge. He then fills out the Petition and supplemental forms to begin his Masonic membership. A fee for the first degree is also required with this Petition, but each lodge is free to determine the amount of that fee. The Petition is read during a lodge meeting and there is a majority vote on whether or not the Petition may advance. If it is voted to advanced, no further action may be taken inside the lodge for one month. But outside the lodge, a committee of three Masons is formed to investigate the Petitioner. Generally, they travel to his house to visit his family and spend some time getting to know him. But they also want his family to get to know the lodge. As much as Freemasonry is a Fraternity, there is a place for our wives and families to be welcome. After that investigation, the Petition is again read before the lodge, the investigation committee reports, and a ballot is cast. The ballot is by members of the lodge and must be unanimous. If the ballot is for rejection, he may choose to Petition again after a certain period of time. If the vote is for acceptance, the Petitioner is invited to the lodge on a special night to ‘receive’ the first degree, or Entered Apprentice degree of Freemasonry. He is now a Brother Mason.
Is Freemasonry a Secret Society?
Open a phone book and look up Masonic lodges. On the internet, many lodges have their own websites. Drive around town and find a well-marked building that says “Masonic Lodge.” On the door, you will find dates of meetings, names of officers, phone numbers and more information. Tax records have the names of senior officers. Many members put decals on their cars. Most wear rings. Some wear lapel pins on their business suits. An organization that is so public can not be secret. The secrets that Masons keep are the secrets that keep our organization effective. The decisions made by the majority of the craft are the voice of the lodge. Inside the lodge room, members are free to speak freely so the best opinions are always voiced. But there is no politics or campaigning. When the lodge has made a decision, Harmony prevails and the lodge moves forward.
Is Freemasonry a religion?
No. Freemasonry encourages individuals to practice their own religion. We do not identify the deity, proclaim his holy works or explain a path to salvation. Freemasons require for membership a belief in a Supreme Being. The identity of that Supreme Being is too important to each member to cause turmoil among those members who are toiling in these Earthly lodges. Lodges have a Holy Book at the center of the lodge and open and close meetings with prayers but the identity of the Supreme Being is personal.
Do Freemasons worship the devil?
No. This allegation mostly began with a prolific 19th century writer named Leo Taxil who was quick to indict many organizations including Freemasons and the Catholic church. At a very public news conference, he claimed his allegations were completely fabricated in an effort to embarrass the church. But many people continued to promote his writings as proof of bizarre rituals that never existed.
Are Masonic Lodges segregated?
Masonic lodges working under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Florida are strictly prohibited from discriminating against any candidate for the three degrees based on race. Lodges have members from many different ethnic and racial backgrounds. There are lodges known as Prince Hall Masonic Lodges which many people wrongly assume are African-American Lodges. But Free and Accepted Masonic Lodges, like Prince Hall Lodges do not use race as a determinant of admission. Masonic Lodges are built by the best men who join the lodge. Skin color is not indicative of a man’s worth nor a factor in admission.
Are Freemasons related to the Knights Templar?
Probably not. There may have been a Knight Templar or two who became a Freemason but the connection between the two groups is mostly limited to two areas. One is the York Rite of Freemasonry , an appendant body of Freemasonry whose members are able to ascend to the rank of Knight Templar, but none of whom protect Christians on the roads to Jerusalem or follow the militaristic, monastic traditions of the original Knights Templar. The second is in the works of fiction such as Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code.
Is the lodge a good way for me to promote my business?
No! Business, like religion and politics, is not to be promoted in the lodge. Brothers want to see each other succeed. But if a man is coming to our door looking for prosperity and financial riches, he needs to go look elsewhere. There is no pot of gold waiting for new members. We encourage self-worth and charitable giving, not personal advancement.